GCC Investors Launch Waad Investment

Waad Investment is an investment firm with a target value of $200 million focusing on high grwoth startups in the middle east

In a significant move to bolster the startup ecosystem in the Middle East, a coalition of Gulf investors and GCC-based family offices has launched Waad Investment, a new investment firm with a target value of $200 million. The firm is poised to become a key player in the region, focusing on supporting growth-stage startups and driving innovation and economic development.

Formation and Leadership

Waad Investment is led by Yaser AlGhamdi, a prominent Saudi investor and the founder and Chief Investment Operations Officer of the firm. The initiative has been launched in collaboration with the AlMajed and AlMisfer family offices, both well-established names in the region. With a targeted value of SAR 750 million (approximately $200 million), Waad Investment is set to become the largest private investment firm dedicated to supporting emerging companies in their growth stages.

Mission and Vision

Waad Investment was established as part of a broader initiative to enhance the role of the private sector in fostering innovation and economic development in the Middle East. The firm aims to bridge the financial gaps that many startups face by providing not only investment but also mentorship, guidance, and a robust network of connections. This support will enable startups to successfully launch products and expand their operations locally, regionally, and globally.

Impact on the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

The creation of Waad Investment underscores the commitment of GCC family offices to positively impact the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region. By equipping startups with the necessary expertise and tools, the firm aims to address the existing funding gaps and stimulate sustainable economic growth. This initiative is expected to increase employment opportunities and further drive the technological advancements currently taking place in the region.

Strategic Goals and Expectations

According to Yaser AlGhamdi, the firm is designed to bridge the financial gap that many startups encounter, offering comprehensive support that includes financial investment, mentorship, and guidance. AlGhamdi emphasized the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to achieve comprehensive development in the region.

Nasser AlMajed, Managing Director and CEO of Waad Investment highlighted the firm’s ambition to revolutionize how family offices invest in startups. He stressed that the expertise of family offices in exit strategies, IPOs, and financial solvency would play a crucial role in leading the tech scene in the region.

Waad Investment is more than just a new investment firm; it represents a strategic effort to reinforce the innovation and entrepreneurship landscape in the GCC. As family offices and investors in the region strive to create a diverse and sustainable economy based on knowledge and technology, Waad Investment is positioned to be a catalyst for change, driving growth and innovation across the Middle East.